
2015 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Durumu Kabullenmek

Türk insanına özgü bir durum olduğu kesin olmakla beraber; yurt dışında yaşamış insanların da belki yorumlayacağı bir gerçektir insanın “durumu kabullenmek” özelliği. Şöyle başlayayım, Geçtiğimiz gün, sinema izlemek için gittiğim bir sinema salonunda; lavaboda dikkatimi çeken bir şey vardı. Lavabolarda kullanılan bataryaların tutulacak kulpları çekile çekile kopmuş. İşin kötü tarafı muhtemelen bu uzun zamandır böyle ve bundan şikayetçi olan kimse yok. Esasında önce işletmecinin rahatsız olması gerektiği açık bir gerçek; çünkü işletmeci müşterisine her zaman iyi hizmet vermek zorunda. Bu en tepe noktadan en alt noktaya kadar her detay için geçerli. Fakat Türk işletme mantığını geçtim, bundan kimse şikayetçi olmamış; bataryalar hala değişmemiş.  Müşteri olduğun ve hizmetin iyisi almayı hak ettiğin bir mekanda; neden daha azı ( en azı ) ile yetiniyoruz? Aslında bunun için basit bir cevap belirtebiliriz? Öncelikle bu bataryanın kulbunun kopmuş olduğunu bildireceğimiz yetkil...

Nordic October

An indisputable music feast.

Apple's Price Policy in Turkey

Are we getting rich in a year? Apple, the biggest company in the world. This is proved with researches of economic companies. Apple released their last iPhone model in their activity named “September Event.” I always like Apple’s politics. They never changed their phone prices although they released their new phones. The people in United States can buy the new iPhone 6s with their monthly salaries. This is very normal. But the thing is, Turkey suffers a lot from the situation of currency. This post’s topic is not “I can’t afford for the brand new iPhone 6s” actually. This post is “where are we going?” indeed. Last year, when Apple released their iPhone 6 and their price is same $649 as always. In Turkey, the phone released with 2400₺ price tag. What about this year? Iphone 6s (16 gb) is still $649 in U.S. but 3200₺ in Turkey. Think again, where we are going as Turkey? Where the minimum salary is still 1000₺. What about the Iphone 6s plus 128 gb model? It has 4300₺ price...

Sportive Regret

A Team that plays miles away, I didn’t watch them when they were in here.  San Antonio Spurs, the NBA organisation that I have been supporting since my childhood. I played basketball professionally early times. Although my height was not enough for pivot position, I always wanted to be like Tim Duncan. Also I adore coach Gregg Popowich’s game style. “Always find the free man and, score.” Many years passed, my Spurs love doesn’t change. How can it change? I always watched when they were the champion for 5 times. Last year, although the ages of Duncan, Ginobili and Parker, they reached the championship ring again. And last summer, Spurs joined the European Tour as a last champion of the world. Yes, they were here, in Istanbul. San Antonio organisation came here because of the Global Games Tour. By that way, NBA release its name and branding in Europe. They played with Fenerbahce Ulker but, I didn’t join this event. But, have you realised the strangeness? I am telling you my...

Musical Regret

Perfection that is missed by 2 months.   In January 2014, I discovered a new singer for me, Agnes Obel. I ran across the “Dorian” song and when I heard that song I said “This woman should be from a Scandinavian/Nordic country” immediately. Bingo, I wasn’t wrong, Agnes Obel is from Denmark. Instantly, I listened all of her songs and I must say, there was no song I didn’t like. The other thing I should do was search the concerts of Agnes Obel. Did she come to Turkey, or will she come? I found an answer. She performed in IKSV Salon, in December 2013. How can I miss her for a month? And a thing more, I watched Ane Brun’s performance in IKSV Salon, at November 2013. How? How can I didn’t see her concert posters? This is the question that I have been asking myself since January 2014. And exactly I am hoping her new concert in Istanbul.

The Success of Becky Hammon

I just think it’s important for society that women be rewarded for their brains just as much as any guy. Last year, in August, San Antonio Spurs Organisation gave the assistant coach role to their ex WNBA player, Becky Hammon. After the Ettore Messina attempt, this was the second strategic, unusual move from Spurs. Becky was a quality and a smart player. And, in her first weeks, she showed us her effects. She acted well during the Europea Ganes. “She understand and read the game quickly, she is very smart, she knows where she should talk or not” the coach Gregg Popowich said. When she’s first year is done, Spurs gave the coach of Summer League Team role to her. “I just think it’s important for society that women be rewarded for their brains just as much as any guy” she said. Spurs lost their first game before this explanation. A week ago, Spurs reached the summer league championship. Spurs, love the success stories. When they gave this role to her, they wrote the first...

The Power of Advertising

Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. – Mark Twain

The "Women Force" Of Amateur Sports In Turkey

  Undisputed, they are the top of our limits. Volleyball is the top place for women success in Turkey with the share of basketball. How?

About The Scandal of TUR 15

  Everybody was shocked, everybody didn't know what they're doing but it was happened and their marks will be remembered, always.